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Thoughts on long distance relationships

Veröffentlicht von:  ErinG

I recently moved to Austria for my Bachelor’s but I still have a boyfriend in England. Unfortunately, he cant come with me so we decided to try a long distance relationship. We’ve been together for over a year now and things are still going great but I am afraid it might not work out considering the amount of studying I have and stress from work. Can anyone who has been in such a relationship tell their story?

15.12.2020 5 Antworten

OscarN kommentierte am 15.12.2020

Yes, I had a similar experience with my ex and at the end it did not work out unfortunately. In our case she was the one studying abroad… the first year thing were fine but then it gradually became worse. Towards the end she did not have any tme for me and we barely spoke with each other. She came back for the holidays and we decided that its not gonna work. But that does not necessarily mean that you guys won’t figure it out.

IsiahM kommentierte am 15.12.2020

Don’t loose hope… if you love each other enough there is always a way for you to overcome any obstacles. If it wasn’t for your studies maybe something else would’ve been the issue. You cant always back down…

ZoeH kommentierte am 15.12.2020

Austria and England are not that far apart, maybe you guys should figure a way to see each other more often. Like at least once a month should be enough before the summer or winter breaks come and you get to spend more time with each other.

OliviaW kommentierte am 15.12.2020

I agree with Isiah… if you really want something you will find a way to get it sometimes it might take more but at the end you will be happy

ErinG kommentierte am 15.12.2020

I know… you are right… but it just seems impossible at times ☹ and then I get really depressed that this might end some day… idk what Im gonna do I guess time will show… who knows