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Sports at SRH Berlin

Veröffentlicht von:  FelixD

Hey there! Is anyone aware if the campus offers any sport and leisure activities? I was really hoping to join a football team if there is one.

15.12.2020 2 Antworten

SebastianK kommentierte am 15.12.2020

Yeah, Im studying in the same campus and we have several sports here that you can choose from. I am also playing football with the CDP and we have a Facebook page were you can get all updates and meet other people from the team. https://de-de.facebook.com/CupDerPrivaten/

CarlosK kommentierte am 15.12.2020

Hey, Felix! Im studying at the same campus and I play volleyball for the university team. Usually every summer we organize a beach volleyball but with the current situation Im not sure if there is going to be one this year.