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Will I lose weight on a Keto diet?
Well my advice is to eat food that is low in calories. Good examples are different vegetables and fruits, chickpeas,...
Sport & Gesundheit
Do you take any supplements?
You know what my advise is? Go to test your vitamin levels. You just need to have some blood drawn...
Sport & Gesundheit
All about fitness: share your journey.
Hi, Helene. I don’t think you should worry about that. Lifting weights won’t make you look like Hulk, especially because...
Sport & Gesundheit
Vegan and vegetarian recipes
I have a favorite vegan dessert too! My mom is vegan and she cooks delicious food at home. If you...
Sport & Gesundheit
How to handle potential theft from my room?
I don’t really get along with my flatmates to be honest… besides one of them often invites his friends over...
What is international student's life like in Germany?
Thank you all of your suggestions! I really appreciate the support… I will do everything you offered. I hope this...
Life Hacks
Erfahrungen mit der Deutschen Kreditbank AG Berlin (DKB)?
Hi Christian, wenn Du im Ausland lebst, kann ich Dir von dieser Bank nur abraten. Ich lebe in Bulgarien und...
Life Hacks