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All around Germany there are many cosmopolitan cities that are leading the way in the contemporary lifestyle. Leipzig, often referred to as the New Berlin, is one of them, captivating many young adults with its diverse culture, dynamic lifestyle and renowned higher learning institutes. Located in the state of Saxony, eastern Germany, Leipzig is the most populous city in this region, with more than 40,000 enrolled students for the past year (2018). Surrounded by water and namely the three rivers Parthe, White Elster and Pleisse, Leipzig can be easily explored even by boat. Ancient buildings and monuments around there depict the rich historical heritage of the city, like the gigantic Völkerschlachtdenkmal commemorating the famous Battle of the Nations. Art and music are inseparable parts of the life here and can be found in many places throughout the city under various forms like beautiful bronze sculptures, colorful street art and musicians playing in the city center. Many things can be said about Leipzig but it would be nothing compared to the real experience of discovering the hidden gems of the city alone. Leipzig has an oceanic climate with average temperatures all year round, and might sometimes experience weather modifications due to the inland location of the city. The warm summer days might be refreshed from time to time by rain since July and August seem to be the wettest months in Leipzig. The public transport network in the city is very well-organized, relying on trams and buses serving all districts. The wide tram network is also the second largest one in the country covering over 145 kilometers. At night several bus lines and one tram line circulate, providing safe transportation for those who wish to party or stay up until the wee hours. In the recent years the percentage of the people with a foreign background has grown significantly, with over 80,000 migrants living in Leipzig as of 2017. There are many multicultural societies around the city helping newcomers to adapt easily in the new environment and establish new acquaintances. English as well as other languages are spoken throughout Leipzig, however locals will appreciate it if new arrivals have some basic knowledge of the German language.

Academic Year

Summer Semester: April – September / Winter Semester: October – March

Official Language


Higher Education Institutions




Living Costs

900 EUR


Leipzig has become very popular among students in the recent years both for studying and living. In the past many popular poets, philosophers and politicians like Goethe and Leibniz studied here. With six higher learning institutes offering a vast array of courses covering fields like Biotechnology, Engineering, Visual Arts, Music and Theatre, Telecommunications and many others, the city is keeping up with the established German standards and reputation in terms of education. The University of Leipzig is the most attended one around here and also one of the oldest universities in Germany, established in 1409. With 14 faculties, the alma mater offers more than 150 degrees with excellent research and teaching conditions to over 30,000 students. International students and refugees are welcomed here, be it for their permanent studies or exchange programs. Those who are having difficulties with learning the German language can benefit from courses tailored specially for foreign students taught partially or entirely in English. Furthermore, universities are promoting internationalization through establishing partnerships with other higher learning institutes around the world. While speaking of new arrivals it is important to touch on the accommodation topic. Staying at a comfortable place while studying is as equally important as choosing a university or a degree course. There are 16 student residence halls offering 5,200 available places for students. Finding a room in such place requires patience and must be organized as early as possible due to the limited availability. Alternatively, housing can be also found on the private market across Leipzig.


Cultural life and recreational activities are extremely diverse and numerous here as the city has a strong affinity for sports, art and entertainment. At the very beginning it is recommendable for newcomers to visit one or two museums just so they can have an idea of the German history and culture. The Museum of City History and the Museum of Fine Arts have amazing collections and exhibitions carrying important meanings for the contemporary art and also bringing history to life. Leipzig is also often associated with music because of the many composers like Bach, Wagner and Schumann who left their imprint on the city’s musical life and heritage. Nowadays, locals can remember them through festivals like the Bach or the Mendelssohn festival and performances of choirs and orchestras in the St. Thomas Church or the Opera House. Outdoor activities are also an inseparable component of everyday life here in Leipzig where people can practice various sports in modern gyms, indoor pools or the ARENA – a multipurpose sports hall. The city also offers a lot of green spaces like parks, woodlands or the Botanical garden where people often go to relax after a busy week, cycle, walk or just gather together with friends for a weekend picnic. Night-time entertainment is what almost every student is craving for and Leipzig knows exactly what to offer. Dance clubs, bars and pubs are regular stops for young adults as they provide the best parties with music and drinks for every taste.


Graduation is a symbol of transition: the end of one’s education followed by the beginning of a new life filled with responsibilities of which often the first and most important one is the career path. Finding the ideal route one can take raises many questions that might be difficult to answer if graduates do not have a clear idea of what they want. German degrees are usually recognized globally giving a chance for students to pursue a career wherever they want, however it is still recommendable for young adults to focus on creating a clear plan. Every campus has a Career Service office dedicated to helping everyone who needs guidance or help with the interview and application processes. Furthermore, universities host career events, workshops and training programs where students will not only gain useful skills but will also establish connections directly with companies. Throughout their studies, young adults are encouraged to participate in internships in various companies situated in Leipzig. Thus, students will be able to work closely with experienced professionals and learn how to cope with the real working environment. Some might develop an interest and decide to pursue a career in Leipzig after their graduation. The city is currently contributing to the German economy with its growing local industries such as the biotechnological and automobile manufacturing industry. Many large companies such as Spreadshirt, Zimmermann and Unister have established their headquarters in Leipzig and are constantly looking for young qualified professionals to join their teams. Those and many other career opportunities are emerging every day and can be also searched in the “Career” section of universitaet.com.