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PCR tests

Published by:  JohnG

What exactly is this type of test? Are they taking blood? Are the results 100% certain?

15.12.2020 4 Answers

MarieW commented on 15.12.2020

I got tested for Covid the other week and the feeling is horrible. No, it does not involve any blood samples all they do is insert a reaaaaaaly long Q-tip in your nose and rotate it to collect material for testing. It really feels as if someone is poking into your brain… thanks God it lasted only few seconds. It took about 24 hours for the the results and mine were negative. I think it is a pretty accurate test to be honest.

LukasQ commented on 15.12.2020

I got testes as well but before they did the Q-tip test they gave me a rapid flu test and the results came in about 20 minutes after they did it. Although it was negative I wanted to make 100% sure that I did not have the virus as I heard the rapid one might not be so accurate after all.

IvanK commented on 15.12.2020

I don’t know what to believe anymore. In my homecountry doctors and the government are abusing the results… I have few friends who were asked to sign a document that they were positive although the test says negative. I think the results shown on the media are heavily manipulated.

RaymondP commented on 15.12.2020

I heard PCR tests can sometimes result in false positives or negatives. So maybe you can get two or three in a row if you are not sure that the results are 100% accurate.