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International Scholarships


AUTHOR:                                 ONSITES (EDITOR)

ISBN:                                       978-619-91599-5-8

BOOK EDITION:                       1st Edition (2021)

PUBLISHER:                             OPEN Institute

PUBLICATION DATE:               26.07.2021

LANGUAGE:                            English

NUMBER OF PAGES:               20



In order for higher education to be accessible for everyone, regardless of cultural background, ethnicity, religion, beliefs and political views, one needs to be provided with equal opportunities. Scholarships are some of the best means of ensuring that candidates who do not have the chance to pay for their university tuitions or cover their living costs while studying, are still able to pursue a degree in their institution of choice. However, it may sometimes seem that there are so many scholarship options worldwide that it is hard to even decide where to begin. This e-book provides a full guide on the different types of international scholarships – from the way they are funded to the grounds on which they are awarded. When considering applying for a scholarship, students should also look into the requirements. Therefore, in this e-book, they too are explored in depth. Some of the most popular and generous scholarships and grants are given as examples. In addition, the differences between the US and Europe are pointed out.