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Internships abroad guide.

Semester Abroad


AUTHOR:                                 ONSITES (EDITOR)

ISBN:                                       978-619-91599-7-2

BOOK EDITION:                       1st Edition (2021)

PUBLISHER:                             OPEN Institute

PUBLICATION DATE:               26.07.2021

LANGUAGE:                            English

NUMBER OF PAGES:               20



Studying abroad is one of the most beneficial experiences that a student can have. It gives young people the opportunity to take a semester or two of studying in a foreign country while enjoying the allure and culture of an unknown place. As an essential aspect of students’ lives, planning a semester abroad must be done with care and in advance. To that end, this e-book seeks to guide students through the various stages that they need to take before and after departure. They will learn more about the preparation process in terms of gathering the necessary documentation and the things they can do to make their stay more efficient and pleasant at the same time. Read on to find out how to feel at home in a foreign country in no time!