Clausthal University of Technology - Page
Clausthal University of Technology
Country: Germany
39 Programs
4,093 Students
Clausthal University of Technology, founded in 1775, is a university seated in Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Lower Saxony. Accomodating approximately 5,000 students, it belongs to the smaller, yet most international universities in Germany (with an average 30% of foreign students). Clausthal University of Technology provides study opportunities in the fields of Natural and Materials Science, Mathematics, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, as well as Energy and Economic Sciences. The University offers 14 Bachelor degree courses (“Business Administration“, “Chemistry“, “Energy and Material Physics“, “Energy and Natural Resources“, “Energy Technologies“, “Geoenvironmental Engineering“, “Computer Science“, “Mechanical Engineering“, “Material Science and Engineering“, “Geosciences and Natural Resources“, “Computer Engineering“, “Process Engineering/Chemical Engineering“, “Business Information Systems“, “Industrial Engineering“), as well as 16 Master degree courses (“Chemistry“, “Energy and Material Physics“, “Energy System Engineering“, “Geoenvironmental Engineering“, “Computer Science“, “Internet Technologies and Information Systems“, “Mechanical Engineering“, “Material Science and Material Engineering“, “Mining Engineering“, “Petroleum Engineering“, “Geosciences and Natural Resources“, “Engineering and Business Administration“, “Environmental Process Engineering and Recycling“, “Process Engineering/Chemical Engineering“, “Business Information Systems“, “Industrial Engineering“). The educational portfolio is complemented by the interdiciplinary continuing education Master course “Systems Engineering“. Clausthal University of Technology has 150 partnerships with international higher education institutions.
University address: Adolph-Roemer-Straße 2A, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Phone: +49 5323 720
Fax: +49 5323 723500
Adolph-Roemer-Straße 2A, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
+49 5323 720
+49 5323 723500
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