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Free University Stuttgart

Country: Germany


13 Programs

297  Students

The Freie Hochschule Stuttgart, founded in 1928, is a state-recognized private institution of higher education seated in Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg. More than 200 students are trained as class teachers, specialist subject teachers, and upper secondary school teachers at a Waldorf School. The Freie Hochschule Stuttgart provides study opportunities at Bachelor’s and Master’s level. The scope of Bachelor studies includes the three-year study course “Waldorf Education“ (B.A.). At Master’s level, prospective students are offered the two-year study course “Class and Specialist Subject Teacher Education at Waldorf Schools“ (M.A.), the 18-month postgraduate study course “Class and Subject Teacher at Waldorf Schools“ (M.A., also taught in English), as well as the 18-month study course “Upper Secondary School Teacher at Waldorf Schools“ (M.A.). The Freie Hochschule Stuttgart’s educational portfolio is complemented by a number of (full-time or part-time) continuing education programs. They include the one-year upper school examination course for upper school teachers at Waldorf Schools (on an extra-occupational basis or in parallel with one’s studies), the one-year Diploma student course for Class Teachers and Specialist Subject Teachers at Waldorf Schools“, the four-year Bachelor degree course “Eurythmics with Basic Qualification in Education“ (B.A.), the one-year Master degree course “Eurythmics and Education“ (M.A.), as well as the three-year training course “Specialist Subject Teacher for Foreign Languages, Horticulture, Manual Training, Art, Music, Physical Education“ and the corresponding two-year continuing vocational training measure.



    University address: Haußmannstraße 44a, 70188 Stuttgart, Germany

   Phone:  +49 711 210940

   Fax:  +49 711 2348913

   Website:  https://www.freie-hochschule-stuttgart.de

Haußmannstraße 44a, 70188 Stuttgart, Germany
+49 711 210940
+49 711 2348913

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