University of Applied Labour Studies of the Federal Employment Agency - Page

University of Applied Labour Studies of the Federal Employment Agency
Country: Germany
6 Programs
1,000 Students
The HdBA University of Applied Labour Studies of the Federal Emplyoment Agency Mannheim, founded in 2006, is a state-recognized university with locations in Mannheim (Baden-Wuerttemberg), and Schwerin (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania). Some 1,000 students are prepared for consultive activities with respect to Education, Career and Employment, as well as Labour Market Management. The University offers study opportunities at Bachelor’s and Master’s level. The scope of Bachelor studies includes the two cooperative study courses “Labour Market Management“, and “Guidance for Education, Career and Employment“. The former study course prepares students for tasks in the key areas of Labour Market Integration, Benefit Entitlement and Benefit Counseling, as well as Labour Market and Public Management. The latter course, “Guidance for Education, Career and Employment“ (B.A.), qualifies students for tasks in the key areas of Vocational Guidance, Case Management, and Participation in Work. At Master’s level, the University offers the extra-occupational study course “Labour Market-Oriented Counselling“ (M.A.), which is designed to provide students with counselling skills in the areas of Education and Career, Management and Leadership, as well as Labour Market and Labour Market Policy.
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