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Applied Mathematics, M.Sc.

University: Koblenz University of Applied Sciences

Visit website: https://www.hs-koblenz.de

Course information

Application deadline



4 Semester

Study form

Full-time studies


227 € / Semester


The “Master of Science in Applied Mathematics” program at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences is with a length of 4 academic semesters. Intended for students with a Bachelor’s degree in Business, Bio- and Technomathematics offered at the RheinAhrCampus, it is a modern and practice-oriented course that goes beyond the mathematical basics and teaches the application of modern mathematics in a wide variety of areas. The curriculum involves modules from the areas of statistics, data science, numerics, optimization, modeling, partial differential equations and the area of machine learning. Admission requirements include a successful Bachelor’s degree in natural sciences or applied mathematics / computer science with an overall grade of at least 2.5. Graduates are able to take on demanding tasks in research and development as well as management functions in projects and in management.

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