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OTH Amberg-Weiden - University of Applied Sciences - Page

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OTH Amberg-Weiden - University of Applied Sciences

Country: Germany


74 Programs

3,309  Students

Founded in 1994, the OTH Amberg Weiden – University of Applied Sciences (OTH-AW) belongs to Germany’s younger public universities of applied sciences. Spread across the two locations of Amberg, and Weiden, OTH-AW offers some 3,500 students study opportunities in four departments: the Department of Mechanical Engineering/Environmental Engineering, the Department of Electrical Engineering/Media Production, the Department of Media Technology/Computer Sciences, the Department of Industrial Engineering, and the Department of Business Studies. In addition to Bachelor and Master degree programs, the scope of studies offered also includes continuing education program. They comprise, on the one hand, the extra-occupational Bachelor and Master degree courses “Retail and Service Management“ (B.A.), “Tax Law and Taxation“ (LL.M.), “Digital Business Management“ (MBA), and “Technology Management 4.0“ (MBA). On the other hand, they include modular preparatory courses for people with vocational qualifications in the following subjects: Physics, English, and Mathematics for Technical and Nontechnical Study Courses; study-accompanying course offerings (“Body Language as a Recipe for Success“, “Application Training“, “Emotional Intelligence“, “Creative Techniques“); dual studies, and language courses for external participants (e.g., English, Czech, Russian, Italian, French, Spanish).



    University address: Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 23, 92224 Amberg, Germany

   Phone:  +49 9621 4820

   Fax:  +49 9621 482110

   Website:  https://www.oth-aw.de

Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 23, 92224 Amberg, Germany
+49 9621 4820
+49 9621 482110

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