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University of Teacher Education Graubünden - Page

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University of Teacher Education Graubünden

Country: Switzerland



310  Students

The University of Teacher Education Graubünden is a public university seated in Chur. More than 300 students are currently attending a teacher education program at pre-primary and primary level. The study offer is comprised of two study programs: the Bachelor degree program “Pre-Primary School“, and the Bachelor degree program “Primary School“. This is added by a number of continuing education programs, among them the Master courses “School Development“ (M.A.), “Special Education with a Specialization in Remedial Education“ and “Secondary Level I“, the Bachelor course “Primary School/Pre-Primary School“, as well as the CAS courses “Author Teaching Aids“, “School Management“, “German as a Second Language“, and “Blended Learning“.



    University address: Scalärastrasse 17, 7000 Chur, Switzerland

   Phone:  +41 81 3540302

   Fax:  +41 81 3540307

   Website:  https://phgr.ch

Scalärastrasse 17, 7000 Chur, Switzerland
+41 81 3540302
+41 81 3540307

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