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VICTORIA - International University of Applied Science - Page

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VICTORIA - International University of Applied Science

Country: Germany


14 Programs

500  Students

VICTORA - International University of Applied Science, founded in 2011, is a state-accredited private university with some 400 students. It has sites in Berlin, and Baden-Baden, and is sponsored by the Internationale Hochschule für Wirtschaft, Technik und Kultur gGmbH. hwtk offers study opportunities at Bachelor’s and Master’s level. On offer at Bachelor’s level are the degree programs “Business Administration“ (B.A.), “Business Informatics“ (B. Sc.), and “Business Law“ (LL. B.). The program “Business Administration“ is offered both in German and in English, with eleven concentrations in the German-taught program and two conentrations in the English-taught program. Also offered in German and English is the Master degree program “Business Management & Development“ (M.A.). According to its innovative study concept, the University unites three forms of studies, namely full-time studies, dual studies, and correspondence studies. Some programs involve the possibility to change the form of studies at the end of each semester.



    University address: Bernburger Str. 24–25, 10963 Berlin, Germany

   Phone:  +49 30 20617670

   Fax:  +49 30 20617671

   Website:  https://www.hwtk.de

Bernburger Str. 24–25, 10963 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 20617670
+49 30 20617671

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