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The sixth-largest city in Germany nestling in a valley surrounded by green forests in the Baden-Württemberg state is an appealing place for living, especially for young ambitious adults seeking a high-quality education and a successful career afterwards. The reputation of Stuttgart being a ‘’cradle of engineering and automotive manufacturing’’ often shifts the focus away from the city’s charm composed of the impressive medieval architecture, beautiful landscapes and vibrant cultural life. There are many attractions within and outside of the city such as the 216-meter-high television tower from where one can enjoy the fantastic view of the whole city and its surrounding areas. Inner parts of Stuttgart are covered in modern green parks down the Neckar river and castle gardens, thus creating several opportunities for people to interact with nature even in the urban environment. As a cosmopolitan city, Stuttgart offers a busy lifestyle with enough opportunities for students to maintain a good social life and to relax and unwind from their work and studies. The predominant climate here is rather oceanic but can be very extreme at times especially during summertime. During the months between June and August, temperatures rise up to 27 °C, with warm sunny days extending towards September when temperatures are varying between 15 °C and 19 °C. Winters here are also quite mild with daily means remaining at 0 °C; however, snow may last for several days depending on weather conditions. One of the well-developed aspects of the overall infrastructure in the city is public transportation. Stuttgart offers public buses and light rail services as main means of transportation connecting all districts of the city. The light rail circulates both over and underground and an interesting peculiarity of the city is the rack railway transport, which is also the only one in Germany. More than 600,000 people are living here, of which around 130,000 are with foreign backgrounds. This creates a quite large multicultural society allowing new expats to adapt with ease to the new environment and keep their traditions along with adopting new ones.

Academic Year

Summer Semester: April – September / Winter Semester: October – March

Official Language


Higher Education Institutions




Living Costs

720 – 1000 EUR


Among the many things Stuttgart has on offer, probably the most tempting one especially for young adults are the universities. With a range of eleven higher learning institutes, the city maintains its leading position of a globally recognized education center. Many modern research facilities are located here, allowing scientists and students to conduct intensive research in different fields and contribute to key industries with their findings. Among all universities those that stand out more in terms of number of students are the University of Stuttgart and the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University since both have more than 25,000 students enrolled for the past year. The first one is a traditional state-owned university, offering 150 degree programs with a focus on Natural and Social Sciences, Humanities and Engineering taught across ten faculties. The second one is also a public institution specialized in dual-education allowing facile integration of theory and practice. Here the emphasis is put on the fields of Social Work, Business and Engineering. International students coming to Stuttgart for their studies can always feel at home since apart from the rich multicultural society, all universities are working towards ensuring the wellbeing of all expats who might have hard times adapting in a new environment. One of the difficult stages of a student life can be finding a suitable accommodation and although Stuttgart is a big city, availability of rooms in student residence halls is limited. Prices for furnished room in shared flats or studios are ranging between 229 EUR and 399 EUR depending on the type of the accommodation. It is recommendable for students who wish to stay at a student residence hall rather than renting a room or a flat on the private housing market to start with their research and apply as early as possible. Because towards the beginning of the semester it might turn out impossible to reserve such room due to the lack of availability. However, dormitories are preferred by students for many reasons, of which living around fellow students is probably the most common one.


The best way of getting to know a particular city is through exploring its cultural life and traditions. Stuttgart is one of those places where all sorts of leisure and entertainment activities are on offer all year round. People of all ages love celebrating their traditions which can be seen during the local festivals and fairs like the Spring and Music Festivals or the Cannstatter Wasen – the Stuttgart equivalent of Oktoberfest. There are many galleries and museums showcasing contemporary artworks, paintings and sculptures from different movements throughout the years. Some of the most popular museums around attracting thousands of visitors every year are the Mercedes Benz Museum and the Porsche Museum – ideal for those who wish to explore the automotive history of both brands from the very beginning. Stuttgart has several viewpoints also worth visiting as all of them unravel marvelous views of the city center and other parts. Apart from the big festivals, entertainment here is cherished throughout the long nights of partying out with friends. Nightlife here can be found in the many clubs around the city, offering all sorts of parties with different music. For those who are more into meeting up with friends in a cozy atmosphere with a nice glass of wine, bars and lounges on Theodor-Heuss-Strasse are a perfect option. Since the city lies in the Swabian region, culinary specialties are particularly honored here. Nowadays traditional cuisine meets the modern one, thus creating a divers and delicious range of dishes one must definitely try while living in Stuttgart. Although many students might prefer to cook at home, dining at a German or international restaurant is strongly recommendable as it offers a different sight and taste of the local and foreign cultures.


Attending a university is meant not only for acquiring a more detailed academic and practical knowledge but is mostly a necessary prerequisite for making a successful career one day. Students often forget their primary goal as they get lost somewhere in between studying and exams and the fun student life happening on the side. This is why when time comes to make a clear plan for their future careers, students might face some challenges and get confused from all of the opportunities out there. Career Services offices are created with the sole purpose of helping young adults put their ideas together and find the perfect job role, company or even a place where they will be able to grow their potential while building a successful career. Furthermore, the Career Service office at each campus is also responsible for organizing various career events and workshops where everyone can attend and interact with representatives from large companies or practice their interview skills. Students are often encouraged to also participate in internships in order to gain a better insight into a real working environment. Stuttgart is an ideal place to explore different career opportunities in various sectors. The well-developed economy of the city and the variety of leading enterprises are offering young and ambitious adults multiple employment opportunities. Engineering, science and technology are some of the main fields contributing to the fast and strong development of this region. Moreover, Stuttgart has other industries like the creative one with renowned agencies allowing students and graduates to demonstrate their creative and artistic capabilities and grow their potential in this area. Those who are interested in the various job offers in Stuttgart or in the rest of the country can navigate to the “Career” section of universitaet.com and receive detailed information about different positions and the application process for them.