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Studying Law In Germany – A Curse Or A Blessing?

Elitsa Grigorova

5 min.

Published on 16.07.2021

Updated on 22.01.2025

Key Facts


  • Studying Law in Germany offers valuable skills like critical thinking and legal knowledge, which are useful in various careers, but it is a demanding and lengthy program, taking around seven years.


  • Graduates from top law universities in Germany have high employment prospects, especially with leading law firms, but securing a job is competitive and not guaranteed.


  • The law degree process is time-intensive, with long hours spent studying, and even established lawyers often work long hours to earn higher incomes, requiring strong motivation and dedication.

Law has always been among the most popular study programs worldwide. Studying Law is considered reputable and honorable, but it is not an easy path. The length of Law degree programs in Germany is approximately seven years and graduates are not guaranteed a job. Hard work and determination are just some the qualities future lawyers need.

Being a law student in Germany is considered prestigious and highly appreciated, never-outdated. But does that mean that it is the best way to take? One thing certain – it is definitely not the easiest path that a prospective student can choose.


Many young people are oftentimes not enough informed about everything they can expect during their study period. They might have false expectations that lead to doubts in law students' minds when it comes to the choice they have made for themselves. It is advisable to consider the pros and cons related to pursuing a Law degree in Germany before making a choice.


Pros Of Studying Law In Germany


Students who decide to pursue a Law degree can benefit even if they change their direction at some point of their life. While studying Law in Germany, however, participants gain a great skill set that includes understanding of different legal processes, as well as critical thinking and analysis capabilities. A law degree can be helpful not only for completely different career fields, but also in the everyday life when signing different papers and contracts written in complex legal language. There is no doubt that law students are more aware of where to put their signatures on and know their rights as well as obligations in every situation.


When it comes to the goal that most of law students are pursuing – a career as lawyers, graduates from the top German universities that offer Law degree programs do not necessarily need to go job hunting. Every year, the human resources departments from the best law firms in the country are making sure that they will not miss talents among law students. Participants have to show a high motivation and real proven results. Obviously, there is no guarantee that every law student will become a lawyer after the study process is finished. It is a competitive job market where graduates need to be qualified and ready to face the challenge.


Cons Of Studying Law In Germany


The German Law educational system is predicted on the idea that students should understand the law and its system in general, so that they can apply that knowledge in each legal career in every field of law. The length of the Law degree programs, as well as the full-reaching teaching methods offered at the German universities also stay behind the same goal. The final result is that the whole course of studies takes approximately seven years, including the placement year.


In addition, even once former law students become established lawyers, the income is often determined by the hours billed. That means that the more they work, the more money they make. Time is definitely among the investments law students will have to make from the first day of lectures until the very end of their careers, provided that they want to work in the legal field.


What future law students need to decide is whether they are motivated enough and will be able to put their efforts in the learning process during all these years. Whether they are ready to spend thousands of hours in the library reading and preparing themselves either for the exams or for the next debate that is organized by the university. In any case, it will be neither short nor easy.

Elitsa Grigorova

Elitsa is a seasoned content creator, holding a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from the University of Westminster. A writer by day and a reader by night, she loves to delve into different worlds of writing, expanding her professional horizons while drawing inspiration from diverse themes and topics.


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