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Fine Arts, Diplom

University: Dresden Academy of Fine Arts

Visit website: https://www.hfbk-dresden.de

Course information

Application deadline



10 Semester

Study form

Full-time studies


282 € / Year


The study program “Fine Arts” offered by the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts (HfBK Dresden) is a ten-semester program with a study prerequisite of general higher education entrance qualification or proof of special above-average artistic talent and proof of passed aptitude test. The course is divided into 13 different classes that gather esteemed artists professors and creative participants. The interdisciplinary program includes subjects like Art Theory, History of Art and Philosophy. The Dresden University of Fine Arts has renovated its studios to offer students premium conditions for the numerous workshops organized. The Fine Arts course of study is made of two consecutive stages combining the subjects of Sculpture and Painting/Graphics with an extensive practice during the special classes in the second stage. During the course the participants are engaged in constant cross-class collaborations. Upon graduation, the most talented students have a reserved place in the masterclass program.

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