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Labor Market-Oriented Advice, M.A.

University: University of Applied Labour Studies of the Federal Employment Agency

Visit website: http://www.hdba.de

Course information

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5 Semester

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Extra-occupational studies


0 € / Year


The University of Applied Labor Studies of the Federal Employment Agency, or HdBA for short, provides academic training for future Master’s degree experts in the field of “Labor Market-Oriented Advice”. The studies combine expertise from law, economics, social, educational sciences and psychology, for a thorough qualification in public management, administration, or personnel service providers. It is a part-time continuing education course of 120 ECTS, obtained in a length of five semesters. Specializations can be chosen in the last two semesters. Employment counselling can be offered not only to individual persons, it can also be serviceable to groups, whole companies, networks, and organizations. A counsellor’s job is the linking of the reference systems corresponding to the target group, and using suitable channels to submit the information and interfere in the results. Management and leadership skills are also needed in order to guide education in the direction that is efficient for the end user. Compulsory, elective modules, practice and defense of the master’s thesis are the elements of the curriculum.   

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