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Applied Informatics, M.Sc.

University: HTW Dresden - University of Applied Sciences

Visit website: https://www.htw-dresden.de/

Course information

Application deadline

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4 Semester

Study form

Full-time studies


290 € / Year


The four-semester full-time program “Master of Science in Applied Informatics” at the HTW Dresden University of Applied Sciences is ideal for students interested in applied computer science. The program is designed to provide in-depth knowledge of the specifics of this science. The participants will be able to solve complex software and technical problems by using different methods, and in addition they will improve their soft skills. The subjects include Information and Communication Technologies, Business Informatics, Media Informatics, and Data Science. The graduates of this program can find career opportunities in Management of companies, Public institutions, Universities and scientific institutes, and more.

Learn more about the university where you can complete this study program.