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Architecture, B.A.

University: Konstanz University of Applied Sciences

Visit website: https://www.htwg-konstanz.de

Course information

Application deadline



6/8 Semester

Study form

Full-time studies


148 € / Year


The “Bachelor of Arts in Architecture” is a six- or eight-semester study program offered by the Architecture and design Faculty of HTWG - University of Applied Sciences Konstanz Technology, Economy and Design. The university has an application-oriented profile with a wide range of subjects, interdisciplinary approach, and a strong connection between theory and practice. The HTWG Konstanz offers variety of attractive study and career possibilities, and different activities for all university groups. The university offers also an excellent infrastructure, including multi-award-winning library, well-equipped computer pools, innovative laboratories, advice centers, university sports, workshops, etc. The main course is primarily focused on technology, economy and art in the field of architecture. The students are expected to gain knowledge, skills and methods for artistic and creative work.

Learn more about the university where you can complete this study program.