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Lübeck University of Music

Country: Germany


27 Programs

399  Students

Lübeck University of Music, founded in 1973, is a public music university seated in Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein. It prepares almost 400 students for various musical professions, among them orchestra musician, soloist, singer, chamber musician, composer, and music teacher. The scope of studies offered at Lübeck Academy of Music comprises two Bachelor programs and two consecutive Master programs. On offer are the two-step study program “Music Practice“ (B.Mus./M.Mus.), which primarily has an artistic focus, and the two-step study program “Conveying Music“ (B.A./M.Ed.), which is first and foremost focused on education. The study program “Music Practice“ provides education in the following subjects: Orchestral Instruments, Keyboard Instruments, Voice, Church Music B, Composition, Music Theory and Aural Training, as well as Instrumental and Elementary Music Education. The study program “Conveying Music“ provides the following profile areas: Instrumental and Voice Education, Popular Music, Church Music, Elementary Music Education, as well as Music Theatre/Performing Arts. The Academy’s educational portfolio is complemented by three continuing education programs, namely two-semester soloist training program (Concert Exam), a preparatory/extra-occupational contact study course, as well as the so-called “Opera Elite Studio“. Prerequisite to study at Lübeck University of Music is the completion of an aptitude test.



    University address: Große Petersgrube 21, 23552 Lübeck, Germany

   Phone:  +49 451 15050

   Fax:  +49 451 1505300

   Website:  https://www.mh-luebeck.de

Große Petersgrube 21, 23552 Lübeck, Germany
+49 451 15050
+49 451 1505300

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