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Art Therapy (Nürtingen), B.A.

University: Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences

Visit website: https://www.hfwu.de

Course information

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8 Semester

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Full-time studies


183 € / Semester


Inside the Faculty of Environment Design and Therapy’s list of Bachelor program courses at Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences there is included the “Bachelor of Arts in Art Therapy” one. Through the psychodynamic principles, art therapy aims at influencing social and health issues by the use of art. Professional intervention will be expected from graduates in various social contexts and age groups, so solid theoretical and scientific knowledge backs up the use of the creative and performing genres to promote wellbeing, self-awareness and personal development. The degree course is planned within an eight-semester period, and admission includes prove through a portfolio of the merits of the candidates. What the degree undertakes to do is give artistic freedom and modern studio space, international experience, small study groups, serious scientific and aesthetic preparation, plus psychological, communication and assessment techniques, among others, in order to prepare participants to help patients deal with illnesses and crises.  

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