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University of Public Administration

Country: Germany



396  Students

The Thüringer Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung, founded in 1994, is an internal administrative institution of higher education seated in Gotha, Thuringia. Almost 400 students participate in a training program in high level, non-technical civil service. The School accomodates three faculties: the Faculty of Local Administration and General Public Administration, the Faculty of Taxation, and the Faculty of Police. The training program in Local Administration and General Public Administration combines on an alternating basis periods of theoretical study which take place at the School and practical study periods in terms of internships. In terms of content, the study program’s focus is placed on subjects in the fields of Administrative Law, Civil Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Sciences, and Business Sciences; it leads to the degree “Dipl.-Verww. (FH)“. The study program in Taxation includes subjects relating to Tax Law, Public Law, and Business Studies, and leads to the degree “Dipl.-Finw. (FH)“. The study program in Police involves a three-year Bachelor program for direct applicants and a two-year Bachelor program for practical achievers; it leads to a B.A..



    University address: Bahnhofstraße 12, 99867 Gotha, Germany

   Phone:  +49 361 573316111

   Fax:  +49 361 573316190

   Website:  https://www.thueringen.de

Bahnhofstraße 12, 99867 Gotha, Germany
+49 361 573316111
+49 361 573316190

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