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Philosophy, M.A 27260 en

University of Bonn

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Philosophy, M.A

University: University of Bonn

Visit website: https://www.uni-bonn.de

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4 Semester

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Full-time studies


0 € / Year


Philosophy is the way one thinks about the world, the universe and society. It asks general questions and seeks various answers and interpretations. Philosophers are concerned with existence, purpose, knowledge, values, mind and reason, and present those topics as problems to be resolved. Philosophy, in terms of being a field of study, is important because it improves critical thinking, problem solving, writing, communication and research skills, teaches different methods and approaches to dealing with issues, provides information about a variety of topics and enhances the ability to form arguments, hold discussions and debate. Philosophy degree courses introduce many subjects, some of which include Classical and Modern Philosophy, Philosophical Ethics, Logic and Argumentation Theory, Moral and Political Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Applied Ethics, Critical Theory, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion and others. Students in Philosophy are also encouraged to carry out research and have the opportunity to discuss contemporary topics like Gender and Race Equality, Modern Politics, Law Reforms, Sports Ethics and Film & Philosophy. A degree in Philosophy paves the way to careers in different fields – law, higher education, journalism, media, government, social services and advertizing are just a few examples.

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