Catholic Theology, Mag.theol.
University: University of Erfurt
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Course information
Application deadline
10 Semester
Study form
Full-time studies
270 € / Year
The ten-semester study program “Magister Theologiae in Catholic Theology” offered by University of Erfurt provides an advanced education in the full scope of theology and withing a broad spectrum of the humanities, and cultural and social studies. The curriculum provides a thorough grounding of biblical, theological, systematic and practical theology. In accordance with their interests, students can choose to prepare for pastoral, spiritual or social service in the church or community. As the program is very practice – oriented graduates have a lot of job opportunities in or outside the church. They can work as pastors, priests or religious teachers, but also can go in other direction and work in press office clerk, library, municipal housing administration, and etc.
Learn more about the university where you can complete this study program.