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School Curative Education, M.Ed. 34257 en

University of Teacher Education Graubünden

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School Curative Education, M.Ed.

University: University of Teacher Education Graubünden

Visit website: https://phgr.ch

Course information

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4-12 Semester

Study form

Extra-occupational studies


765 € / Semester


The Master’s degree program “School Curative Education” is offered by the Intercantonal University of Applied Sciences in Zurich and the PH Graubünden. It is with a duration of three or four semesters. The program can be studied part-time or full-time. Primarily, it is targeting the practical concepts. It possesses a modular structure. This practice-oriented degree program is including internships in order to provide participants with the essential experience. Alongside, during the study are involved also competency assessments. By doing so, students will be in a position to acquire professional competencies.

Learn more about the university where you can complete this study program.