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Applied Languages, B.A.

University: ZHAW Zurich-University of Applied Sciences

Visit website: https://www.zhaw.ch

Course information

Application deadline

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6 Semester

Study form

Full-time studies; Part-time studies


0 € / Year


It is safe to say that the digital revolution has improved scientific fields by developing new technology and furthering research, which in turn has led to new discoveries. Language Science and Linguistics have definitely benefitted immensely from technology, but have also created technological features like voice control, autocorrect, automatic supplementary suggestions and personalized advertizing. Language Science and Technology is an academic discipline that focuses on human language and how it is processed. Its main aim is to analyze language patterns and create algorithms and computer models to comprehend and produce language. Language Science and Technology university programs teach a number of subjects, which usually include Computer Linguistics, Programming, Concept Modeling, Algebraic Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics, Language Statistics, Lexical Density, Quantitative Literature and more. A degree course in Language Science and Technology provides students with thorough theoretical knowledge and valuable professional skills, such as analytical and critical-thinking, problem-solving, data processing and decision-making skills. Potential career prospects for Language Science and Technology graduates include jobs in the field of new media and electronic publishing, technical information and documentation, artificial intelligence, construction of databases and archives, copywriting and editing, computer-assisted language teaching and more.

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