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Fine Arts, B.F.A.

University: University of Fine Arts of Hamburg

Visit website: https://www.hfbk-hamburg.de

Course information

Application deadline



8 Semester

Study form

Full-time studies


331 € / Year


The interdisciplinary “Bachelor of Fine Arts” program at HFBK University of Fine Arts Hamburg is with a standard period of study of 8 academic semesters. All major fields are available for students to decide whether to combine them or concentrate on a single one. They include: sculpture, stage space, design, movie, graphics/photography/typography, painting/drawing, theory and history, and time-related media. The course provides students with various methods and forms of work and encourages them to think through their artistic development projects. The students learn to develop their own work whose experimental character produces aesthetic arguments, statements and intensities. You can acquire manual processes and skills by means of which different artistic ideas can be exposed, specified and further developed.

Learn more about the university where you can complete this study program.